Sunday, September 15, 2013

Behind the music

So, I bet I can guess exactly what you're thinking. "That one little savior? Huh?" And in fact, you probably only clicked the link to this page to figure out what this was all about. And if there is one thing I know about people (or at least me), it's that we like to know things... and we like to know them fast. Well, here's your chance.

The name blog was inspired by exactly that- my little savior. Her name is música, or music, (& I only refer to music as "her" because my absolute favorite musician is a female). As I was coming up with names for this blog, I thought of all the things music was to me. I ended up with a list full of nouns and adjectives, in which savior was simply the best word for it.

     savior: one that saves from danger or destruction; one who brings salvation 

I know that a 'savior' typically refers to a person, but not in this case for me. I do have a Savior, but He is in a league of his own. He always gets a capital letter. But music, it is my inanimate savior here on Earth. The savior that is significantly less powerful, gracious, and faithful than my heavenly One.

Now, there is a world full of people with likes and dislikes in practically every category that exists on God's green Earth. But I seemed to come up with the one thing that every single person on this planet seems to like: music. Well, and technically that includes food, but I already have a blog about that and I'll spare the world of excessive entries from my fat girl diary.

Through this blog, I want to share with you how and why my little savior has come to take its place in my life, song by song. We all have that one song that we rush to listen to when we are experiencing different things (or the same thing, over and over) and feeling various ways. To me, each song is my savior in some way- whether it rescues me from painful, Sunday afternoon boredom and consistent stress or sets me free from mental imprisonment to a clear, open mind and late-night tears to morning contentment and newfound strength. I will go through a lot of the songs that I listen to most frequently, mainly because they evoke the strongest emotions out of me. The ones that I always seem to find on repeat. But not all of these songs are necessarily my all-time favorites, but the ones I find myself most connected to for so many reasons. Some of the songs recount my experiences so closely that it's scary... others I simply admire their complete honesty, even when I cannot remotely relate. 

I learn a great deal of lessons from songs, like dropping destructive habits and adopting empowering ones (my next post will be a prime example of this). The one thing I take from songs that I cherish more than anything else is the realization that I am not alone... in anything. The best life has to offer- love, appreciation, laughter, hope, forgiveness... and the worst- loss, dissapointment, heartbreak, betrayal, failure. And even more importantly, that none of these things last forever. That sounds so brutal, but it's a privilege. Every experience teaches you something about yourself, other people, and life in general. And often times, the terrible experiences help you to truly appreciate the really, really great ones. And music, music is just there to document it all for you, even if it's through someone else. To reveal your happy ending when you haven't reached it just yet, or when it's nowhere in sight. And being able to foreshadow that... well, that is de oro (golden).

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